غير مصنف

Muhsen to convince Qatar to guarantee presidential guards’ budget. Ahmed Ali feel sad, Hadi seeks help


In current March 2012, militia were partially controlling Abyan city , when army personnel divisions in borderline of Zingibar were slaughtered. One of the most important is Daufus genocide in which 100 were killed, 300 injured and more than 70 people were arrested. The president Hadi ordered the republican guards' and first armored brigade leaders to send some military personnel to fight in Abyan. The leader Ali Muhsen suggested that a number of Rebublican guards and armored military divisions be tranfered to the south and other sites be changed. He, according to well-informed sources, concentrated on moving some of the Sana'a and Taiz-based republican guards, however the suggestion only included transferring one of the Sana'a-based military divisions. When Hadi discussed the topic with Ahmed Ali Abdula Saleh, the latter refused the idea, claiming that republican guards are scattering in more than a front in all of Arhab, Taiz, etc, yet Hadi demanded the general Ali Muhsen to unilaterally exceute the suggestion of the armored divisions' participation in fighting in Abbyan.

Upon knowing Ahmed Ali's refusal, Ali Muhsen did not execute the suggestion, rather he sent a military division in place of the second infantry division (republican guards) locating in Abyan, as Ali Muhsen wants to undermine the Sana'a-based republican guards, which he intended within his suggestion that had been made earlier and he repeated suggesting transferring military divisions, to welcome the presidential resolutions of the same context, for they separated three divisions of the republican guards existing in Sana'a and joined them to presidential guards against one military division from the  armored brigade, while other decision-inclusive armored brigade affiliates are from outside the capital, Sana'a, for this reason Muhsen welcomed the presidential resolutions, which came in accordance with what he has suggested to Hadi. For his part, Ahmed Ali, as he had done earlier ,implicitly rejected, which is concluded from the response of the republican guards as these decisions would undermine his control on Arhab and the capital, Sana'a.

Decrees issued on condition

The president Hadi, who is still not able to enter the presidential complex and whose house is subject to live bullets, is criticized Islah party, after he made the resolution on formation of the national dialogue technical committee, asking him to review structure of the committee. They (Islah Party) threaten to boycott its meetings in case the committee's structure is not reviewed.

Such attitude by Islah Party left Hadi unable what to do. He cannot eat his words and cancel the presidential resolution, at the same time he wants the committee meetings to commence, which would not occur without participation of the joint meeting parties. A bargain was signed between Hadi and Islah Party and the latter conditioned a number of demands in return for accepting participation. Among these demands, according to sources, are ousting Ahmed Ali from position of republican guards leadership, and of Yahya Mohammed Abdula Saleh from the central security staff, as well as stopping financial support of Ali Saleh . After a mediation by Gulf Initiative sponsors, Hadi agreed upon these points on the basis of which three military divisions controlled by Ahmed Ali Saleh were taken from the republican guards, besides the two decisions for ousting  all of Yahya Mohammed Abdulla Saleh from Tobacco and Matches Co, Agricultural and cooperative Credit Bank head, who is an advocate of Saleh. Hadi conditioned, in return for republican decrees, that the joint meetings parties participate in the technical committee meetings and to not raise topic of the committee  restructure.

Military restructuring range for two years

In an attempt by to control the military forces, Hadi issued a number of decrees in August 6, 2012 within a 2-year and a three-stage plan . The recent decisions have separated some of the military divisions of the republican guards and the armored brigade. The first is to rearrange the military divisions, the second is the army forces legitimation to identify tasks of each position. Such a stage is a transit for actual military restructuring. The third stage will include transferring human and financial sources, war equipments, a stage that is still disputable.

Muhsen Anticipate the resolutions through military divisions leader reshuffle

Well-informed sources mentioned that Ali Muhsen made a reshuffle in some of the divisions leaders affiliating to the armored brigade, for he appointed leaders loyalists to him to ensure their alliance whatsoever military restructuring took place. These leaders where actually changed places as he expected, yet some of them were not inclusive, such as 12-infantry division situated in Abbs . Ali Muhsen rely on an ideological principle so that these military divisions loyal to him even if they are joined to other divisions.

Qatar to support the republican guards

Informed sources said that among objectives of Hadi's visit to Qatar is to get financial support for the republican guards that will be made up of three republican guards-affiliated divisions and one from the first armored brigade. The financial issue was a challenge the republican resolutions declaration faces, though Muhsen was familiar with them in advance, and the resolutions were not declared until the president of Qatar agreed to support for structuring presidential guards. 

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